Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mike Lee is the GOP choice.

Mike Lee pulled out the W. The Tribune gives some of the credit to rural Utah and Mike Lee's work as attorney in Kane County’s lawsuit insisting it has rights to roads in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument and (illegally) lobbying the Legislature on a proposal for the state to use eminent domain power to seize federal lands.

He says he will be just as alienating in the general election campaign as he has been in the primary:
“I don’t. The message is right. It just resonates with people,” he said. “It’s the right message based on truth. It’s based on a 223-year-old document that created the federal government … and not one I tailor for one audience or another.”
I suppose "constitutional expert" Mike Lee dislikes the ability to amend the 223 year old document. Which ones does he want to repeal? So far he wants to get rid of 14 and 17:

The Simpsons - An Amendment To Be

I agree with the Granato campaign:

“The answers to our nation’s toughest problems are not held exclusively by Democrats or Republicans. If we put partisanship aside, I believe we can develop common sense solutions to the important issues, including a return to fiscal responsibility, sustainable economic growth and long-term job creation. It will take every single one of us, regardless of party affiliation, to develop these sensible solutions for America’s future.”
Utahn's need to seriously look at candidates, and stop myopically voting down Republican party lines. As soon-to-be former Senator Bennett and candidate Granato suggest, we need common sense and reason in Washington rather than more partisan rancor.

A level-headed approach to immigration reform in Utah:

Sutherland Institute policy manager Derek Monson wrote a great piece regarding the Arizona immigration bill and proposals that Utah pursue a similar course. The best line from his piece is as follows:
To ensure a reality-based approach, we must view our undocumented neighbors as we view ourselves — as people, not objects. We must reject the Arizona solution which simply objectifies human beings as "criminals" that can be rounded up and shipped out in the pursuit of an unreasonable definition of the "rule of law."

Rejecting Arizona's strategy in favor of a reality-based approach will be difficult, as doing the right thing often is. It will require Utahns to check their emotions, including their frustration with the federal government's ineffective immigration system. Even more difficult, a reality-based approach will involve a lot of soul searching and critical self-reflection, which may reveal things about our thinking we may find to be unpleasant.

Hey, Mike Lee -- tell me how is the mass-deportation of 20 million people is realistic or fair for a violation you admit is as severe a crime as speeding -- a crime I'm guilty of each time I get in a car?

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